1.1 OLD BOYS CLAPHAM FC (“OBC”) is the name of the football club also hereinafter referred to as “the club”.
1.2 The club’s registered office shall be 26 Windsor Avenue, West Molesey, Surrey, KT8 1PZ. The club’s home ground for the current season will be LARKHALL PARK, STOCKWELL, LAMBETH, LONDON, SW8 2PX.
1.3 All League and League Cup matches shall kick off at 2pm. Kick off in County Cup ties between 15th October to 15th March shall kick off at 1.30pm as per rule 18 of the Challenge Trophy Rules of the Surrey FA.
1.4 The club colours are sky blue tops, white shorts and white socks and jerseys are tailor made to the requirements of the club. The club change colours are red tops, black shorts and white socks. The club
emergency colours are white tops, white shorts and white socks.
2.1 The club was established by Peter Joicey & Paul Lewis in April 2010 to participate in competitive adult male association football matches.
2.2 The club is an amateur club and does not pay players to play football.
2.3 The club is based on the team that was formed in July 2004 as “Norton FC” in Surrey South & East Combination League Junior Division Three who became “Norton Reserves” in July 2005. On becoming a Reserve side after the club decided to form a “First team” at that time. The “Reserve” side was left with our own autonomy within Norton Football Club the team was nicknamed Norton OBC as the “Old Boys of Clapham Common” made up the side. In January 2009, Norton OBC gave notice to Norton Football club stating that the 2009-10 would be the team’s last with the club. In that season the team won the Geoff Ellis Intermediate Shield in our second last game for Norton Football club. The team became a club in its own right.
2.4 The club is a not for commercial profit social enterprise. It is an association of its committee members but shall not record a financial loss through its footballing and social activities. The income and property of the club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objects as set out in this section of the Constitution. No portion of funds or income shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the management committee
members by way of distribution, bonus or otherwise by way of profit save for the Dissolution or winding-up provisions demonstrated at Section 16 of this Constitution. Any surplus of funds generated at the end of the season shall be carried forward as reserves or for any expenditure deemed necessary by the management committee.
2.5 The object of the club is to win football matches and the footballing competitions it enters.
2.6 The club supports the FA’s “Respect” campaign. The club shall endure to control the behaviour of its players, coaches, managers and supporters at all times.
2.7 The club shall run a “First” team and a “Reserve” team on each playing Saturday of the football season. The club shall always field its strongest eleven available players. The object of the Reserve team is to support the First team by providing an opportunity for players to progress from the Reserve team to the First team should they be of the required playing standard and temperament. The Reserve team shall be used trial new players looking to join the club.
2.8 The club is to provide a social frame work for its management committee members and players involving night’s outs, trips and any necessary recreational activities.
2.9 The club has an equal opportunities policy whereby the club values and respects the cultural diversity of its players and expects each player to respect the cultural diversity of fellow players. Players will not be
discriminated against because of race, sexual orientation, nationality or cultural background.
2.10 The club recruits players from the Central London, Greater London and the Surrey area of the United Kingdom. Applications from players outside this area within the United Kingdom will be considered if they are
prepared to move to a location where they can participate in football activities on a regular basis. The club will not provide any funds towards the costs of players travelling expenses for playing games.
2.11 The club will not consider applications from players living outside the United Kingdom as we are an amateur club for local players. If a player is moving to London on their own accord then an enquiry will be considered.
3.1 The club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of the Football Association by virtue of its affiliation to the Surrey FA. The rules and regulations of The Football Association of England and the Surrey FA shall be adhered to.
3.2 The club shall be affiliated to the Surrey Southern & East Combination League herein known as “the League” and shall abide by its rules and regulations.
3.3The club shall fulfil all of its matches.
4.1 The club is owned by Peter Joicey and Paul Lewis.
4.2 The club maintains a bank account that was set up and managed by Peter Joicey and Paul Lewis.
4.3 The club website and logo are the content is the intellectual property of Peter Joicey and no club imagery or content is to be copied or used without the consent of Peter Joicey.
4.4 The club constitution was written by Peter Joicey and no material can be copied or used without the permission of the author and or the club management committee.
4.5 The club is controlled by the decisions made by the management committee of the club.
4.6 The club trades on a going concern basis whereby the assets of the club are used for the foreseeable future and therefore the assets of the club will remain in use until formal dissolution and no claim based on members equity may be made, save for the provision of indemnity at 9.9 for the custodians of the club bank account, on the clubs assets until the event of dissolution.

5.1 The club is currently a partnership of the management committee as defined by the 1890 Partnership Act.
5.2 The members of the management committee are held jointly responsible for the liabilities of the club. Resignation of management committee by the member does not alleviate them from any equal share of a liability at the end of the season.
5.3 The club as a partnership can be wound up and liquidated as an unregistered company if the partnership is dissolved, or ceases to trade, or if the club is unable to pay it debts and is insolvent.
6.1 The club constitution (“the constitution”) is a set of rules that forms a binding agreement between each member of the club whereby the structure, aims and values of the club are set down. The object of the
constitution is to provide a framework for which good governance can occur. The constitution is also used to provide club rules information to all players
6.2 The constitution is a working document that can be amended at any time and changes must be agreed by the management committee.
6.3 The constitution is a guide for club and player actions, behaviour and discipline at all times without being overly prescriptive as the club cannot see foresee every eventuality.
6.4 Amendments must be agreed at the management committee meetings where a resolution will be passed to adopt the amendments. Amendments come into force once the resolution has been passed.
6.5 Significant redrafts or additional clauses will not come into effect until the next playing season. Players agree to the rules of the constitution as per the constitution at the time of joining.
6.6 Each version of the constitution will be retained by the Club Secretary but the latest version of the constitution shall be posted on the club website.
7.1 The purpose of the club management committee is to be the decision making forum of the club.
7.2 The club management committee is made up of members also known as the “officers” of the club.
7.3 The club management committee shall consist of the Club Chairman, Club Secretary, Club Treasurer, Club Welfare Officer, Social Secretary, 1st Team Manager, Reserve Team Manager, 1st Team Captain, Reserve Team Captain and any other person invited to be part of the management committee.
7.4 One person may have a number of roles but will only have one vote per decision. In the event of a tie, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
7.5 Each role on the management committee is voluntary and unpaid.
7.6 The committee shall meet at least three times per season where minutes shall be taken and distributed amongst the other committee meetings.
7.7 The resolutions passed by the management committee shall be distributed amongst the members and players of the club.
7.8 The role of the Chairman is to be the final decision maker in the event of a tie. The Chairman is responsible for the conduct of the club and its players. As per the guidelines of the local Football Association, the Chairman should support the Club Secretary.
7.9 The role of the Club Secretary is to be the Chief Executive Officer of the club in that all administrative matters are carried out by the Club Secretary and must deal with all football regulatory bodies and deal with
all disciplinary matters such as the payment and collection of fines. The Club Secretary shall contact match officials and officials of other clubs to ensure that match obligations are fulfilled by the club.
7.10 The role of the Club Treasurer is to ensure that the club is financially managed properly and that all income and expenditure is recorded. The Treasurer shall produce full and half-year abbreviated accounts.
7.11 The role of the Social Secretary is to organise club events and functions including the end of season awards and the club Christmas party as well as any other events required by the players and to attend club management meetings. The Social Secretary shall have an agreed budget set by the Club Treasurer based on the financial performance of the club at the time of the proposed event. Additional funds from the players required by the Social Secretary shall be collected by the club and paid into the club bank account. This money will be forwarded onto the Social Secretary for the purpose of booking venues and paying for agreed amounts of food and beverages. Participation at club events is by invite only and will be managed by the Social Secretary. If a player or guest does not pay the required amount to the club for the cost of the evening then they will not be permitted to be involved in the event.
7.12 The role of the First Team manager is to select and manage the playing affairs of the first team.
7.13 The role of the Reserve Team manager is to select and manage the playing affairs of the first team. The Reserve Team manager shall have full control over this team and may select a captain for this side based on
the players available.
7.14 The role of the First Team Captain is to assist the management team with player affairs and provide support to managers and players where necessary. The First Team Captain is selected by vote of the
management committee.
7.15 Being an officer of the club does not give the officer a right or preference to be selected over other players.
7.16 Officers can resign at any time. By the end of each season each officer will be asked if they wish to continue in the role the following season.
7.17 The club shall have a minimum of one qualified first aid person per team. I.e. if a first aid certificate has lapsed then the designated person shall be enrolled on a refresher course every three years or as soon as the
certificate is about to expire. The first aid persons from September 2012 will be Peter Joicey for the first team and Mel Kenny for the Reserve team. Alex McGreevy and Paul Lewis will also be enrolled as First Aiders during
the course of the 2012/13 season.
7.18 The club shall carry out CRB checks on those participating in the management team. This is to ensure that any training session that may include under 16 year olds can be carried out by an appropriate person. Currently, the Club Welfare Officer, Peter Joicey [May 2011], the Club Chairman, Mel Kenny [May 2012], the Reserve Team Manager, Alex McGreevy [May 2012] and the assistant first team manager, Paul Lewis [Jan 2013] have had CRB checks carried out. New CRB checks will be carried out where appropriate.
8.1 Meetings shall take place at least three times a year. Ideally meetings should take place in August prior to the season commencing, in December to review the clubs progress to date and half-year accounts. A final
Meeting, known as the “Annual General Meeting” or “AGM” should be held at the end of the season to review the clubs performance and planning for the upcoming pre-season. This meeting shall take place not earlier than the last game of the season and not later than June 30. At meetings an agenda shall be issued before hand to the club officers. Meetings should involve the discussion of playing performance, player discipline and recruitment, club finances and reports from League & FA meetings. Players may attend meetings if they wish to participate but may be asked to leave if an area of sensitivity is discussed.
8.2 Meetings can must take place at a designated location at a specific time. A minimum of three management committee members must be present to pass a resolution, providing all members have had the opportunity to participate. New ideas can be suggested but a resolution can only be passed when each member has had notification of the proposed resolution.
8.3 Any management committee member can call for a resolution to be made. For a resolution to be passed it must voted in favour by a simple majority of the management committee members. In the event of a tie the
Chairman has the deciding vote.
8.4 Resolutions can only be passed at a meeting.
8.5 All officers must be given the opportunity to participate in the meeting. Resolutions are not valid if all officers have not been given notice of the meeting or any proposed resolution. No one member can delay a meeting if at least three people agree to meet at a specified time and date. If no members remain other than the Club Secretary or Chairman then an unopposed resolution can be passed by either of those persons.
8.6 A “Special Resolution”, such as a resolution calling for the dissolution of the club requires a majority but will not be passed if the Chairman or Club Secretary has not voted in favour. In this instance, the majority view can be blocked.

9.1 As per the rules of the Football Association the club must maintain sufficient and accurate financial records as well as a complete record of all of its members. The accounts and list of members must be made available at any given time as per requirement of the FA rules.
9.2 As an unincorporated body the club is not required to submit yearly accounts to Companies House in accordance with the Companies Act 1985. As a result, the club will ensure that a Financial Statement is
prepared that is able to be verified by a person with an appropriate financial qualification.
9.3 The club will produce an annual and half-year Financial Statement. The annual statement is due by 31st May at the close of each season and the half year statement is due by 30th November. The annual Financial
Statement shall be made available to the Surrey FA, the League and the members of the club. The half year statements are for the officers of the club and are not published. The club shall submit yearly accounts to the
Surrey FA by no later than 31st August of each year.
9.4 Accounting records must be kept for six years as per the rules of the FA and membership information must be kept for three years.
9.5 Each team shall have a minimum reserve fund of £1,000. All profits from the club shall be put into the reserve fund until such time the teams have sufficient reserve funds. The purpose of the reserve funds is to
protect the club from future losses, capital expenditure and large fines or punishments.
9.6 Public Liability & Players Insurance is mandatory and shall be paid by the club on a yearly basis.
9.7 The club shall operate a club bank account and shall be managed by the Club Treasurer and another officer of the club.
9.8 Payments shall be made for club payments only. Cheques and transfers may be issued by the Club Treasurer only. The second signatory can assume responsibility for the account if the Club Treasurer is unavailable.
9.9 The custodians of the club bank account will be entitled to an indemnity out of the Club Property for all expenses and other liabilities reasonably incurred by them in carrying out their duties. The indemnity does not include funds required by the Social Secretary as all purchase costs must be agreed beforehand; therefore the Social Secretary has no right of indemnity against the club.
10.1 Club Registration and Match Fees pays for the administration of the club and for ground fees, match fees, match day official’s fees, club registration and insurance fees, the provision of training facilities and all football equipment.
10.2 The club is based on the mantra that if a player can pay then he will pay. Non-payment of Club Registration & Match Fees is unacceptable unless there are exceptional circumstances agreed with the manager of the
10.3 The club is funded by the players of the club, its sponsors and by those who use the services provided by the club.
10.4 All bills or fees raised by the club that is proven by receipt shall be paid out of funds raised by the club.
10.5 The payment of registration fees does not guarantee that players will play. Team selection is based on “best team plays” (see rule 13). The manager and the club do not owe people a certain amount of games
simply because they paid a Club Registration fee.
10.7 The value of fees are set by the management committee and may change from one season to the next depending on the costs and expenses of the club.
10.7 The current club registration fee of £60 is payable by all players wanting to participate in OBC matches.
10.8 Match fees are £5 per full game. £3 if a player starts but is substituted at any point of the game. £2 if a player starts from the substitute’s bench.
10.9 Training fees are £5 per participant. If a player arrives late for training he must still pay the full £5. A full copy of the training session rules can be found on the club website.
10.10 If a player is playing but cannot pay that week then they will be expected to pay full amount the following week, even if the player was substituted. The player will be expected to pay his arrears the following game (assuming that he plays the following game). If the player is not available the following week, non-payments must be settled the week the player returns to the squad.
10.11If a player persists in late or non-payments then the manager may not select them for future games until the balance is settled. Exceptional circumstances will be considered by the manager and those exceptional circumstances will remain private.
10.12 Waiving of Club Registration Fees is at the management committee’s discretion depending on exceptional circumstances being approved.
10.13 Waiving of Match Fees is at the manager’s discretion depending on exceptional circumstances being approved. The manager must provide an explanation to the Club Treasurer why the full amount has not been taken. The running mantra of the club is, if a player can pay he will pay.
10.14 Collection of both club and match fees is the responsibility of the team managers, or if the manager is away then the assistant manager or captain will be responsible for taking the money and keeping an inventory
of who paid and the amount paid and any fees outstanding.
11.1 Any player wishing to join the club must register with one of the Officers of the club completing the Surrey South Eastern Combination Player Registration Form. By signing this document the player agrees to the rules of the League, FA and the club.
11.2 New players can join the club at any time in the football season up to March 31st in line with rule 8(J) of the Surrey South Eastern Combination FA rules.
11.3 All registration forms must be copied and scanned. A copy must be sent to the Club Secretary who maintains a register of players. The register contains first name, surname, date of birth, phone number and
current address. The contents of the register will not be distributed to any third party.
11.4 Officers of the club have the right to refuse entry into the club for any reason. Typical reasons for a player not being permitted to join are;
11.4 (a) a player must be 16 years old or over (in line with rule 8(A)(b)(i) of the Surrey South Eastern Combination FA rules on the day he signs the registration form.
11.4 (b) a player lacks the required fitness level;
11.4 (c) a player fails to demonstrate the necessary level of ability to be able to play and compete successfully with the existing players.
11.4 (d) a player fails to demonstrate the desired level of sportsmanship, good humour and respect for others required to join the club.
11.4 (e) a player must not be registered with any other club that plays in the Surrey FA and its affiliated leagues and associations.
11.4 (f) a player must not be disqualified from playing under Surrey South Eastern Combination League and FA rules. The Club Secretary will check the latest sine die list [banned without further review] issued by the
11.4 (g) If a new player joins the club they will be expected to pay the full registration fee of £60 irrespective of whether joining close season, pre-season or during the playing season. Returning players fee is set at £60.
11.4 (h) Players will be registered with Surrey Southern & Eastern Combination League where they will be given an individual registration number by the League. Once registered with the League the player will be
entitled to play in an official game on Saturday.
11.4 (i) If a player is playing for another club but approaches the OBC to join the player must pay any outstanding fees to the former club and pay the club transfer fee of £5 plus full club fees.
11.5 If a player requires a transfer a request must be made to the Club Secretary stating reasons for the transfer. The player must clear any funds due before any transfer can be sanctioned.
11.6 A player may offer his resignation at any time providing the player owes the club no funds. Resignations include players making reference to leaving to find another club. The registration of the player shall be held with the OBC until requested to be realised by the player or the new club. Should no formal request be made then the registration will be held until expiration at the end of the current season.
11.7 The registered players’ names, current addresses, date of birth and registration numbers will be held by the Club Secretary on the “Membership Register”. This is the list of members and can made available to the League or FA on request. The data shall not be given to any third parties other than the appropriate football authorities. In the event of a player’s resignation or expulsion, his name shall be removed from Membership Register.
11.8 Players who are registered as members are not entitled to make a claim on any of the club’s assets or belongings.
12.1 When a new player joins the club and is fully registered and has paid his club fees in full then club jerseys will be ordered by the club for the player. Any club jerseys that are ordered but are not paid for in full remain
the property of the club.
12.2 The home jersey is sky blue; the change jersey is red. For goalkeepers they will have a yellow jersey and a change green jersey ordered or any other colour other than black.
12.3 Club jerseys are replaced every second season should the player still be with the club. Additional jerseys or shorts are available at a cost to the player.
12.4 The squad number given to the player is unique to that player whilst he is registered to the club. The player’s surname or first name will be placed on the back of the shirt.
12.5 Should a player leave the club or fail to re-register by any given deadline then his number will become surplus and available to distribution to a new player.

13.1 The first team is to be managed by a team manager and assistant manager. Team selection is at the discretion of the manager. The ethos of the club is that the “best” team plays but if the team played sufficiently
well the previous game then any returning player will not automatically return to the starting line-up. The less committed a player is to playing each week the less likely he will be in starting football matches in the first
13.2 Selection to the first team is based on merit, temperament and ability.
13.3 Players can be moved to the Reserve squad for any given reason, thus players can move up into the first team squad or down to the Reserve team squad should the League or Cup rules allow.
13.4 The club is managed on the basis that players form one squad with two teams, not one club with two squads. However, SSECL Cup and Shield rules may mean that some Reserve players will be ineligible for the semi-final and final for the Reserves having played for the First team in their cup matches earlier in the season. This situation will be made known to the players before the player participates in first team cup matches. (See rules 13.12 and 13.13 for the specific SSECL wording of the cup and shield rules).
13.5 Players are encouraged to give their opinions provided they are done so politely but the manager’s decision in regards to playing matters is final.
13.6 It is a disciplinary offence for a player to undermine another player, i.e “how come player x is in the squad/starting line up when I am not” will not be tolerated as players should focus on their own game and treat
other players with respect.
13.7 Unsporting behaviour may result in that player not being selected and the player will be warned about inappropriate behaviour.
13.8 First Squad selection shall be issued to all players by text message and where possible by email also at least 24 hours before the game.
13.9Substitutions are made at the manager’s discretion.
13.10 First team player status - Surrey County FA rule 9(d)ii - “Any club may having a Reserve team in this competition [Surrey FA Lower Junior County Cup] shall be allowed to play any player, provided that he is
otherwise qualified [signed for the club for a minimum of 7 days previously], and the player has played more league and/or cup games in the reserve team of a club than the first team, then he shall be deemed a player for that team. Equal number of appearances for both reserve and first team competition games, do not qualify as more than, and the player is eligible for that team .”
13.11 First team player status - Surrey South & East Combination rule 8(N) - “once a player has played six matches for a team he automatically becomes qualified for that team. If he then plays six consecutive matches
for the immediate lower team, or he misses six consecutive matches for the immediate higher team, he then becomes reinstated for the immediate lower team. Not more than 4 players of an immediate higher team can
play for an immediate lower team. Any player qualified for a particular team can ONLY play for the immediate
lower team.”
13.12 [SSEC League Cup] Having played in the League Cup, a player subsequently transferred will be Cup tied. Any club can play up to 2 players who have played for the Club in the Senior section in the Junior section later in the season, subject to the provisions of League 8(N) and except as below. No player who has played in the Senior section Semi-Final or Final, on in the Senior Shield Semi Final or Final or is currently qualified Intermediate League player may play in the Junior section Semi-Final or Final in the same season. Where a club has more than one team in the Junior section a player moving down as above is Cup tied for the particular team.
13.13 [SSECL League Shield] Having played in the League Shield, a player subsequently transferred will be Cup tied. Any club can play up to 2 players who have played for the Club in the Senior section in their Reserve team whichever section of the competition they play in, later in the season. Players from Clubs who do not play in the Senior section may in the Lower sections, if they have played a minimum of FOUR games for that team during the current season. This applies to qualified First and Reserve team players. No player who has played in the Senior or Junior League Cup (for a higher team of the Club) or in the Senior, Premier or Intermediate section semi-finals or finals or is a currently qualified Intermediate League Player may play in a lower section semi-final or final in the same season.
14.1The reserve team is picked from the best players that are available after the first team squad has been selected.
14.2The Reserve Team Manager has the choice of all the players that remain to be selected.
14.3The goal of the Reserve Team is win promotion and any competition it enters thus maintaining the club’s commitment to competitiveness through merit and ability.
14.4 It is a disciplinary offence for any player to refuse to play for the Reserve Team if selected.
14.5 Preference will be given to those players who genuinely seek to play or be part of first team football. Playing in the Reserve Team is not an easy option or a place to hide from competition from other players.
14.6 Players are encouraged to give their opinions provided they are done so politely but the manager’s decision in regards to playing matters is final.
14.7 It is a disciplinary offence for a player to undermine another player, i.e. “how come player x is in the squad/starting line-up when I am not” will not be tolerated as players should focus on their own game and treat
other players with respect.
14.8 Unsporting behaviour may result in that player not being selected at all and the player will be warned about inappropriate behaviour.
14.9 Reserve Squad selection shall be issued to all players by text message and where possible by email also at least 24 hours before the game.
14.10 Substitutions are made at the manager’s discretion.
14.11 Reserve team status. There is no rule preventing a qualified Reserve team player playing in the First team in any competition in which it enters. There are rules for qualifying first team players playing for the Reserve side. (see rules 13.10 to 13.14)
15.1The club is responsible for the actions of its players, officials or spectators and the club is required to take all precautions necessary to prevent players, officials or spectators threatening or assaulting match officials and other participants at all times.
15.2 A caution can be issued at any point by a referee for the following offences
·unsporting behaviour
·dissent by word or action
·persistently infringing on the Laws of the Game
·causing a delay to the restart of play
·failing to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or free kick or throw in
·enter or re-enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
·deliberately leave the field of play without the referee’s permission
15.3 For each caution (Yellow Card) a player receives the club is required to the Surrey FA an administration fee of £10. This money is to be repaid by the player by the next game.
15.4 Should a player receive 5 cautions in a season he will be fined £20, and be banned for one match as per the FA disciplinary rules.
15.5 Should a player receive 10 cautions in a season he will be fined £20, and be banned for two matches as per the FA disciplinary rules.
15.6 A player maybe sent off from the field of play for the following offences;
·receiving a second caution within a game
·denying a goal or a goal-scoring opportunity
·using offensive or insulting language/gestures
·serious foul play, violent conduct or spitting at an official or another person
15.7 The player received a red card will be fined a minimum of £20 by the club.
15.8 The player shall be banned 7 days from the date of the red card being issued.
15.9 The tariffs for suspensions and fines for dismissals are as follows;
·receiving a second caution within a game - £20 fine & 1 match ban
·denying a goal or a goal-scoring opportunity - £20 fine & 1 match ban
·using offensive or insulting language/gestures - £40 fine & 2 match ban
·serious foul play, violent conduct or spitting at an official or another person - £40 fine and 3 match ban
15.10 For every subsequent red card received in a season an extra 1 match ban is added to the tariffs.
15.11A player facing a misconduct charge is a serious offence and is treat differently to standard caution and dismissal offences. A misconduct charge will be issued where an incident is reported which does not fall under standard dismissal offences (see 15.8). The FA disciplinary commission will be convened to consider a misconduct case and they will take into consideration the recommended time based punishments when imposing a match based suspension. The recommended punishments are as follows;
·refusing to give their name to the referee - £30 fine and 21 day suspension
·refusing to leave the field of play when ordered to do so - £30 fine and 42 day suspension
·and/or causing the match to be abandoned (club charge) - £50 (min)
·improper or insulting behaviour towards the match officials - £75 and 112 day suspension
·not acting in the best interests of the game - depends on the case
·acting in a manner that is deemed to be improper - depends on the case
·brining the game into disrepute - depends on the case
·violent conduct or serious foul play, considered to be of a serious nature - £75 and a minimum of 35 day
·use of threatening words/gestures - £75 and a minimum of 35 day suspension
·use of abusive words/gestures - considered mid-range - £50 fine and a minimum of 21 day suspension
·abusive behaviour - £50 fine and a minimum of 21 day suspension
·use of indecent words/gestures - £50 fine and a minimum of 21 day suspension
·indecent behaviour - £50 fine and a minimum of 21 day suspension
·use of insulting words/gestures - considered to be less serious - £30 and minimum of 7 days and maximum
of 21 day suspension
15.12 Failure to pay disciplinary fines may lead to expulsion from the club and the player being reported to the FA and an application made to have the player added to the sine die list where a player can be banned
for life until the football debts are cleared.
15.13 Serious misconduct may lead to expulsion from the club.
16.1 Dissolution will occur as a result of a special resolution made by the management committee at a final meeting after trading had ceased, or if the management committee sets a date for all trading to cease once the liabilities of the club have been paid in full.
16.2 If upon the dissolution or winding up of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever the same shall be paid and distributed amongst the current equity members of the club. The minutes of the special resolution will indicate how the remaining assets of the club will be allocated after all remaining liabilities have been settled.
16.3 In the event of winding up every member of the management committee undertakes to contribute such amount as may be required to the Club’s assets if the Club should be wound-up whilst he is a member
within one year after he cease to be a member of the management committee, for the payment of the Club’s debts and liabilities contracted before he ceases to be a member, and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up of the Club.
15 June 2013